Sunday, March 12, 2017

USB/Web Camera - Privacy Policy

USB/Web Camera

Privacy Policy

Last update: 2017/03/12

USB/Web Camera (from now on The App) is an Android application developed by David Serrano Canales (from now on I or Me). This document informs you as a user of The App (from now on You) regarding the use and disclosure of any type of sensible/personal data gathered, managed, saved, recorded and/or sent by The App.

By using The App you agree to understand and accept the terms within this policy.

Device information

The App may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, unique device ID of your mobile / tablet, or version of Android you are running. 

Automatic Data collection

I may work with analytics companies to help Me understand how The App is being used. Analytics companies use some of the information collected by The App, including, but not limited to, the unique device ID of your mobile or tablet. 


I may work with Ad companies which may use and collect anonymous data about your interests to customize content and advertising here and in other sites and applications. Interest and location data may be linked to your device, but is not linked to your identity.

Use of Android dangerous permissions

The App uses the following dangerous permissions:
  • Audio recording: The app makes use of this permission in order to allow the user to create videos with audio recorded from the device microphone. This data is recorded in the storage of the user's device and in any case is processed or sent by The App.
  • Write data to external storage: The app makes use of this permission in order to allow the user to save photos and videos to the device external storage.

WiFi QR Connect - Privacy Policy

WiFi QR Connect

Privacy Policy

Last update: 2017/03/11

WiFi QR Connect (from now on The App) is an Android application developed by David Serrano Canales (from now on I or Me). This document informs you as a user of The App (from now on You) regarding the use and disclosure of any type of sensible/personal data gathered, managed, saved, recorded and/or sent by The App.

By using The App you agree to understand and accept the terms within this policy.

Device information

The App may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, unique device ID of your mobile / tablet, or version of Android you are running. 

Automatic Data collection

I may work with analytics companies to help Me understand how The App is being used. Analytics companies use some of the information collected by The App, including, but not limited to, the unique device ID of your mobile or tablet. 


I may work with Ad companies which may use and collect anonymous data about your interests to customize content and advertising here and in other sites and applications. Interest and location data may be linked to your device, but is not linked to your identity.

Use of Android dangerous permissions

The App uses the following dangerous permissions:
  • Camera permission: The App makes use of this permission in order to enable the user to use it to scan a QR code. In any case the data gathered by the camera is saved or sent by The App.
  • Coarse location: The App makes use of this permission in order to provide an easy access to connect to a WiFi network. In any case this data is saved or sent by The App.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Let Me Work

You just arm yourself with strong will and you just sit down in the office chair, ready to take profit of your time doing some important work you should do or studying something really relevant, but something distracts that small device you have near you, someone speaking through an instante messaging program, or you just receive and email, even someone could call you...all that concentration crumbling up on every minute. No problem, download Let Me Work, and let yourself to have a really work time.

An Android application

Let Me Work is a free Android application which runs a count-down timer and activates Android's airplane mode automatically. You set a specific time, and when you push start the count-down begins and airplane mode is enabled untill the timer finishes; or untill you stop it. Also you can have a pause and recover the coverage. Let Me Work also can function without having to activate airplane mode, as a simple count-down app.

Friday, February 15, 2013


While searching for a count-down chronometer in the android API, one finds that most resembles is the CountDownTimer class; but it only starts a count-down, and send an event on every predetermined time, and one event when finish, but, what if I want to pause it? I've create a CountDownChronometer class to manage this, and one interface that must implement the class which instantiates it:


Use the constructor to set up the count-down, start() to start it or resume it after pause(), and stop() to cancel the count-down:

import android.os.CountDownTimer;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;

 * @author David 'svprdga' Serrano Canales
public class CountDownChronometer{
 // Set here the milliseconds interval for every tick.
 private long millisInterval = 500;
 private final static String TAG = "CountDownChronometer";
 private ICountDownChronometer handler;
 private boolean isPaused = false;
 private long initCountDownMillis;
 private long restartCountDownMillis;
 private long startCountDownMillis;
 private CountDownTimerImpl countDownTimerImpl;

  * CountDownChronometer's public constructor.
  * @param initCountDownMillis Milliseconds until the count-down ends.
  * @param handler Object which invoked this constructor, with ICountDownChronometer interface implemented.
 public CountDownChronometer(long initCountDownMillis, ICountDownChronometer handler){
  this.initCountDownMillis = initCountDownMillis;
  this.handler = handler;
  * Starts the count-down. Also used for restart after pause() call.
 public void start(){
  long countDownMillis = 0;
  if (isPaused){
   countDownMillis = restartCountDownMillis;
   isPaused = false;
  } else {
   countDownMillis = initCountDownMillis;
  countDownTimerImpl = new CountDownTimerImpl(countDownMillis);
  startCountDownMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
  * Pauses the count-down.
 public void pause(){  
  isPaused = true;
  restartCountDownMillis = initCountDownMillis - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - startCountDownMillis);
  initCountDownMillis = restartCountDownMillis;
  Log.d("countDown", "restartCountDownMillis: "+restartCountDownMillis);
  * Stops and cancels the count-down.
 public void stop(){
  countDownTimerImpl = null;
  isPaused = false;
  * Method which is invoked on every count-down tick.
  * @param millisUntilFinished
 public void onCountDownTick(long millisUntilFinished){
  * Method which is invoked when the count-down finishes.
 public void onCountDownFinish(){
 public class CountDownTimerImpl extends CountDownTimer{
   * CountDownTimerImpl constructor.
   * @param millisInFuture Time in milliseconds until the count-down ends.
  public CountDownTimerImpl(long millisInFuture) {
   super(millisInFuture, millisInterval);
  public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
  public void onFinish() {




This interface must be implemented for the objects that instantiates the CountDownChronometer, the implemented methos allows you to control the count-down tick events, and the finish event:
 * @author David 'svprdga' Serrano Canales
public interface ICountDownChronometer {
  * Method called on every CountDownTimer tick.
 public void onCountDownTimerTick(long millisUntilFinished);
  * Method called when CountDownTimer finishes.
 public void onCountDownTimerFinish();

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Android Processes

I've spent too many hours trying to understand the mechanic of processes in android; it's not difficult but it takes a while to see how to manage them, and pass information between them and activities; so I made this tutorial in order to clarify the very basics of processes:
  1. Start a process.
  2. Send data from activity to a process.
  3. Send data from process to activity.

Create a project in Eclipse

  • Application name: ProcessTest
  • Project name: ProcessTest
  • Package name: com.reprom.processtest
  • Min SDK: API 10
  • Target SDK: API 17
  • Compile with: API 10
  • Theme: None
Leave the rest of the settings to default values, and create one activity called MainActivity (Note: the activity layers in this tutorial are not important because we are going to work directly with logs, and watch the results in LogCat, so you can leave the default layer "activity_main" without changes).

Service class

Quoting the android developers official documentation "A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications to use.", so, to say it simple, a service is a manner of performing operations outside our app, it means that if our app is opening or closing, that not affect the flux of our service (unless explicitly we close it). An example of that would be an app that needs to update some data with some server, and it's managed by a service (the service check for updates, no mather is the app is open or not), in that example, the app is not overloaded with such long-term operations; the user interface doesn't slow down, and when it's needed, the service notices the app with the correspondent information.
In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a service that runs a count-down timer in background, and notices our MainActivity ever 2 seconds and finally, when it's finished. First, create a class TestService, a service class must inherit from, put the following code:
package com.reprom.processtest;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.IBinder;

public class TestService extends Service {

private final String TAG = "Service";
    Intent broadcastIntent = new Intent("testService"); 

 public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  return null;

The method onBind must be overriden, but in this tutorial we are not going to talk about it. The TAG var I added is for identifying our logs, and broadcastIntent is an Intent object we'll need to broadcast data to our activity. Now, add an onCreate method to watch when our service is starting:
    public void onCreate() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Service onCreate() running...");
Now, we are going to see the "quid" of all this, the method onStartCommand(); which is invoked every time Context.startService() is called from an activity; performing the proper operations that the service is intended to do. Look at the code:
    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
     Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
     new CountDownTimer(
       bundle.getLong("countDownInterval")) {      

      public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onTick from TestService");
        broadcastIntent.putExtra("action", "timerTick");
           broadcastIntent.putExtra("millisUntilFinished", millisUntilFinished);
      public void onFinish() {
           Log.d(TAG, "onFinish from TestService");
           broadcastIntent.putExtra("action", "timerFinish");

        return START_STICKY;
First we retrieve the data that comes from the activity in a Bundle object, then create a new CountDownTimer, passing the time in milliseconds until it finishes and the interval time (onTick() will be called every interval). On ever onTick() we put the time left in our broadcastIntent object, and put a variable called "action" to notify the activity what is the kind of broadcasting it's receiving. In method onFinish() we do the same; then, sendBroadcast() will broadcast the message. (Note: I am not going to explain in this basic tutorial about the return value (Service.START_STICKY), see the android documentation for that.
The service won't start if we don't register it in the AndroidManifest file, inside "Application" tag:

Note the colon sign in process, it means that the process is private for our app and not shareable.

The activity

Ok, now we have the service; let's fill the activity:
package com.reprom.processtest;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.view.Menu;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
 private final static String TAG = "MainActivity";
 private Intent serviceIntent;

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  serviceIntent = new Intent(this.getApplicationContext(), TestService.class); 
     serviceIntent.putExtra("millisUntilFinished", 10000l); 
     serviceIntent.putExtra("countDownInterval", 2000l); 

Declare a serviceIntent Intent which we'll use to send data to process. I onCreate() we put the milliseconds until the count-down finishes and the interval rate in a long type; and then call startService() with the Intent to star the service.
Create a BroadcastReceiver object in order to read the broadcast sent from service:
private BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
         public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
          Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
          switch (bundle.getInt("action")){
          case 0:
           Log.d(TAG, "Time to finish: "+bundle.getLong("millisUntilFinished"));
          case 1:
           Log.d(TAG, "Timer finished.");
Finally we need to register the BroadcastReceiver object in onResume(), and unnregister in onPause():
 public void onResume() {
  registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter("testService"));
 public void onPause() {

Friday, June 1, 2012

Playing with Unity3D map editor

A rapid trial (few hours) to show what can be done in the Unity 3D integrated map editor, without a line of code:

For this technical demo I used the terrain modeling function; with automatic dispersion of trees, and vegetation, the 3D external models import; and the particle system to create one waterfall and rain.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

HTML5 VS FLASH: Test it yourself

There are many sites on the web about that topic, what is best, the new and brilliant canvas element of HTML5 or the new redefined ActionScript3? Well, here you can test it on the broswer you want, and in your own computer. Those simple demonstrations only instantiates balls continuously, but is a good way to see the fps drop as more balls appears. Note that the code is almost the same for each one, except for the small peculiarities of each language.

ActionScript3 (Flash) Version:

HTML5 (Canvas) Version:

No se puede visualizar la presentación debido a que este navegador no soporta la función
canvas del nuevo estándar HTML 5. Por favor, actualízalo o prueba a abrir el
sitio con otro navegador.